Musings on motherhood, ministry and the Eucharist.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Hands-On Holy Week Part II

On Good Friday, with Jessica having an outing with her Grandma and Jackson still at school, Ani and I had a rare moment for mother-daughter time.  The girls have been especially engrossed this year with Holy Week and with the Passion of Jesus.  After going to the Holy Thursday Mass the girls insisted that we stay for a few minutes to adore the Blessed Sacrament at the Altar of Repose.  Jackson luckily held on a few minutes more, still engrossed in lacing up an Octopus card.  When we left Ani said she wished she could stay their forever.  It was so beautiful and quiet.

My girl does have a quiet soul. 

We decided to start our Easter baking before picking up Jackson at school and went to work on hot cross buns.  Ani & Jessica are "Young Marthas" at our church and were excited to contribute to the Easter Vigil Reception with some of their baking. 

As we waited for the milk to heat up and the butter to melt Ani turned to me and said in all seriousness, "Mommy, is there a saint that goes along with the Easter Bunny, kind of like with St. Nicholas?"  Now, I've been worried about having this conversation for a long time.  What happens when children know that fairies, the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus are a made up game and not real?

I knelt down in front of her and said, "No Ani.  There is no saint that goes along with the Easter bunny.  Guess who gets to be the Easter bunny?"

"You do?"  I nodded and she gave me a big hug.  "Oh, Mommy, I love you so much." 

We kept working on the hot cross buns in silence for a little while when she turned to me and said, "Mommy, I don't think I need an Easter basket this year.  I just like the celebration the most."  Thank you, little one, for reminding me to give up my stress and anxiety over providing the perfect Easter basket, having enough candy, planting the eggs in ingenious places around the house.  How we celebrate is most important--with love and family and quiet gratitude for all we have been given.

Oh, and you will get an Easter basket this year.  Non-negotiable. 

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